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Quick Styles

In the Slide View, click on the Slide that you wish to Create a Quick Style from. Go to Slide/Create Quick Style or press Shift+Ctrl+N.


Highlight the Slide or Slides which you wish to Apply the Quick Style. You can use Shift+Click to highlight multiple contiguous Slides or Ctrl+Click to highlight non-contiguous Slides. Go to Slide/Apply Quick Style or press Shift+Ctrl+Q.


The “Main Object” status of the target Slides must be the same as the original slide from which the Quick Style was created.

  • If the Source Slide has 2 or more Objects (Indexed 1 and 2 etc) then the Target Slide(s) can be either a single slide ( with Objects indexed 1 and 2 etc) or multiple slides each with a single indexed object.

Quick Styles only work in the Pro Version.

en-us/11.0/slide-styles/quickstyles.1691754674.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/11 11:51 by davegee