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Scheda Principale

La scheda “Principale” con le sue 3 sezioni è mostrata nell'illustrazione seguente:

The function of these three sections is straightforward. “Aspect Ratio” enables the desired aspect ratio of the display screen to be selected. Users should consider the parameters of the main display for the show when selecting aspect ratio. There are obvious differences between the aspect ratios of a computer monitor, a TV screen and a projector. “Timing” allows setting of the default time for slides and this can be applied to all slides. A useful technique for certain types of show is to start with a standard duration and then modify the times of individual slides to suit the required application. Finally “Show settings” allows random display of slides and a choice of actions at the end of a show.

it-it/9.0/project-options/main_tab.1395718432.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/18 11:20 (external edit)