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Split a Video

…across multiple slides.

1. Add a video to a Blank Slide 1 (O&A). Set the Transition to “Quick Transition” and the Slide Duration to (for example) 30 seconds.

2. In O&A / Properties designate the Video as Master.

3. Add the same video to a Blank Slide 2 (O&A). Set the Transition to “Quick Transition” and the Slide Duration to (for example) 30 seconds.

4. In O&A / Properties designate the Video as “Link to: xxxxx”.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as necessary to play the whole video.

ORUnderlined Text

en-us/10.0/how_to_v10/split_video.1643628965.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/19 11:45 (external edit)