Time-lapse Video

…… or “Pseudo Time-lapse” Video in a PTE Slide Show.

Most DSLR's will allow the creation of Video Clips of around 20 minutes or more in various formats e.g. MOV.

It is possible, in PTE Version 9, to compress that 20 minutes or more into a Pseudo Timelapse video which is 2.5 minutes or even shorter at a high quality.

You will now have an AVI which runs at twice the speed of the original and for half of the original duration.

You will now have an AVI which runs at four times the speed of the original and for a quarter of the original duration.

Fast moving clouds over a stunning landscape, Sunsets, Trains and Boats and Planes, people rushing about in cityscapes - all good ways to use “Pseudo Timelapse”.

If you want a longer video you can “chain” 20 minute Video Clips (given the above treatment) together

For Time Lapse which spans a 1 - 24 Hour period or more I would suggest that other methods are more suitable.